
A new report just out on Common Cause warns that we should expect troubles in at least one of the ten (10!) swing states this go around. As Rick Hasen has long been pointing out on his Election Law Blog, the election administrator's prayer now is "Lord, let this election not be close."

For those of us who trust more in injunctions than prayers, though, we'd rather know where to report in the event. Given the strikingly small margins of victory in swing states in recent elections (less than 6,000 in NM in 2004) and the high probability that whoever wins this one will do so by a slim margin of electoral votes, my question is this: who on the Democratic side is coordinating the legal army's deployment to the front(s)? I've heard that much more of the crucial litigation is taking place beforehand this time around. But I still have this nagging suspicion that much more is yet to come. So who's got the sign-up sheet?

Posted by Jamie Colburn