Happy Thanksgiving?
As a vegan, I find the Thanksgiving holiday to be full of contradiction. On the one hand, it is a time to gather with family and friends and collectively celebrate our wellbeing and nurture each other in difficult times. It is, in other words, a time to take stock and acknowledge that "there but for the grace of God go I," which is one way to formulate the idea of giving thanks. On the other hand, it is a holiday that is symbolized by the massive slaughter of helpless and innocent creatures who have done nothing to deserve the suffering that they endure. Interestingly, our culture has a strange custom of having an executive official "pardon" one turkey. For a particularly telling scene of Sarah Palin giving a press conference after having "pardoned" and given "amnesty" to one turkey, see this and watch carefully what is happening directly behind the chief executive of Alaska. I had the privilege of recently visiting a sanctuary for farm an...