Free Speech Consensus
By Mike Dorf Yesterday I gave the Keynote Address at the annual luncheon of the Boston Bar Ass'n . My remarks were too long to reproduce fully in a blog entry, but I'll nonetheless try to summarize the high points. The title of my speech was "The Cross-Ideological Consensus on Freedom of Speech." Here's the condensed version. Consider three Free Speech Cases the Supreme Court decided in the term that ended this past June: 1) In Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project the Court split on ideological lines (except for Stevens joining the conservatives) to uphold the application of the "material aid" law to people who wanted to assist the non-violent wings of listed terrorist organizations by training them in peaceful conflict resolution. 2) In Citizens United v. FEC the Court split 5-4 on ideological grounds to invalidate the ban on corporate independent expenditures for "campaign speech" during the statutorily defined election period. 3) ...