Negotiating With a Gun to the Head
By Mike Dorf As I write this post, the ball is back in the Republican-led House of Representatives, which seems intent on making some changes to the Affordable Care Act as the price of agreeing to any measure designed to avert a government shutdown. Meanwhile, the emerging Democratic party line -- voiced by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin over the weekend and more or less repeated by President Obama today -- goes like this: We are willing to negotiate over budget issues as well as the terms of the ACA, but not (as Durbin put it) "with a gun to our head." Thus far, Republicans aren't moving, due to some combination of: (1) the belief that in fact they have more leverage while holding the gun to the Democrats' head; (2) the failure to understand that the gun is pointed at their own heads to an equal or greater extent as it is pointed at the Democrats'; and (3) blind rage. With events moving quickly, I thought I'd dash off a very quick observation and then per...