Is the Attack on Social Security Finally Over?
-- Posted by Neil H. Buchanan [Note: This post is a companion piece to my latest Verdict column: Message to Young People: Social Security Will Be There For You, Unless You Let Wall Street Take It Away From You .] This year's go-round on the Social Security "drop-dead date" carousel was notable for its near invisibility. In previous years, the annual release of the Trustees' report would be breathlessly reported by every media outlet, with commentators decrying the failure of politicians to deal with this supposed crisis in the making. This year, not so much. Indeed, I would not have devoted this week's Verdict column to the topic, except that it appears that young people have actually come to believe the anti-Social Security hype. True, they are not up in arms about it, but they appear to have adopted a desultory "We know we're screwed, but what else is new?" attitude. It seemed worthwhile to take another crack at trying to help young pe...