Could the Non-Rich Buy Off the Rich, to Get Them to Stop Blocking Progressive Policies?
-- Posted by Neil H. Buchanan My new Verdict column revisits a classic question in egalitarian liberalism: Should policy be aimed only at helping people at or near the bottom of the income spectrum, or is it also important to reduce high incomes and wealth? Put differently, is the problem poverty and economic vulnerability, or is it "income disparity" more broadly? My column comments in particular on a recent NYT op-ed by USC Law Professor Edward Kleinbard, who offered the most plausible progressive/liberal case that I have yet seen to the effect that the best policy agenda is simply to ignore the rich, focusing instead on making sure that we create a government that is large enough to do what needs to be done to help the poor and middle class, funded by some combination of taxes on everyone. Although I am not ultimately convinced, the op-ed is definitely worth reading and thinking about. In private correspondence, Professor Kleinbard mentioned to me that he di...