Another Round of Professor-Bashing from the Right
-- by Neil H. Buchanan Donald Trump's recent attacks on the press -- calling the news media "the enemy of the American people" -- are appalling and Stalinesque , and people are right to criticize him harshly for taking his attacks as far as he has. The degree to which he is willing to vilify a free press is indeed alarming. Degree does matter, but we must not forget that none of this is new as a matter of kind. Indeed, this is simply another example of Trump doing what Republicans have been doing for years. It is just that he is willing to do so at a higher volume and even more crudely. Republicans have been attacking the press for decades, perhaps out of a group-reinforced belief that the press is truly biased but also because they have found that they can "work the refs" and constantly succeed in securing generous coverage from cowed reporters who bend over backward to prove their open-mindedness. This is all part of a larger strategy in which Repu...