Supreme Court 2018 Term in Review: Waaaaay Too Soon to Say that Kavanaugh-for-Kennedy Was Not a Game Changer
by Michael C. Dorf ( cross-posted on Take Care ) As I noted last week , tomorrow I'll be spending the day joining a great collection of law professors, lawyers, one journalist, and one judge to talk about the most recent SCOTUS term and preview the coming one. In last week's post I previewed my remarks on a case at the intersection of the dormant commerce clause and the 21st amendment . I also promised that I would follow up with two more posts: one on the Term in general and the other with some additional commentary on one of the Term's blockbusters for which I also will be providing an overview at the PLI conference: the Bladensburg Peace Cross Establishment Clause case . I'm going to break that promise (kinda) by talking about both in today's post. But first, a reminder: You can still sign up to see the day-long event live in NYC, at one of various satellite locations, or from the comfort of your computer. Here's an alphabetical list of the panelists: Jo...