The Pandemic versus the Shiny Distraction of Trump’s Taxes
by Neil H. Buchanan Every day that the news is not focused on the Covid-19 pandemic is a good day for Donald Trump. Earlier this year, I wrote two columns on Dorf on Law ( here and here ) in which I argued that the Supreme Court's decisions in what had become known as the "Trump tax cases" were surprisingly but profoundly unimportant. I conceded that the Court had done something good by not doing something terrible, which in this instance would have involved endorsing Trump's insane "absolute immunity" theory. Otherwise, however, the cases were in fact not particularly important politically or practically. Every day that the news is not focused on the Covid-19 pandemic is a good day for Donald Trump. In those columns, I argued that "Democrats might even be better off in a world in which Trump insists on acting like he has a lot of bad things to hide than in one where we get to see what he is hiding (even if it is truly bad)." Well, co...